What to do when an heir is delaying accepting the inheritance. INTERROGATIO IN IURE
It may happen that one of the heirs neither accepts the inheritance nor repudiates it, meaning a part of the inheritance remains unavailable and cannot be assigned to anyone, which can create a problem in the case of assets belonging to several heirs on a joint basis. By not speaking out in such a case, you are preventing the other heirs from gaining access to the assets to be able to sell them, lease them, etc…
A legal process exists for such situations known as as Interrogatio in Iure, article 461-12 of the Civil Code of Catalonia, which forces heirs to speak out with regard to the inheritance. The inheritance lawyers at ABH Abogados Herencias Barcelona will advise you on how to carry out the appropriate procedures when you find yourself in a situation in which you need the heir to speak out about the inheritance.